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Intersection Improvements - Dixie Farm (FM 518)


  •  Roadway Reconstruction

  •  Traffic Signal Design

  •  Utility Relocation

  •  Plans and Specifications

  •  Cost Estimation

  •  Construction Cost: $700K+

  •  infraTECH served as Prime Consultant


City of Pearland


Brazoria County, Texas


The intersection of Dixie Farm Roadway and FM 518 is a critical intersection in Pearland as these roads connect to several freeways in all directions. This intersection has been operating at an unacceptable level of service, especially during evening peaks. This intersection experienced significant safety problems, primarily due to the presence of many accesses at the vicinity of the intersection.


The project included widening of the roadway to include a second left-turn lane for Dixie Farm Road approaches of the intersection. Traffic analysis was conducted to determine the length of the left-turn lanes. The signal was modified to accommodate the design changes. Sidewalks were installed in several areas where they were missing. Curb ramps at the intersections and driveways were upgraded as per the ADA standards.


Several driveways, especially in the intersection functional area, were removed or combined with other driveways to reduce conflicts that improve safety of the intersection.


As the prime provider for the project, infraTECH was responsible for project management including sub consultant management, detailed engineering analysis and design, preparation of plans, specifications, and estimates (PS&E), and support during bidding and construction for this project.

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